Walk the Fire Anthology
I’m excited to let you know that I’ve been invited to take part in the next volume of the Walk the Fire shared-world, science fiction anthology, which features Campbell and Hugo award-nominated writers alongside yours truly.
The anthology is being supported by a Kickstarter campaign which has just a few days left in its run…and has almost reached its goal. Award levels are as low as $5 (which includes an ecopy of the volume) and go up from there–including some amazing prizes, like audio versions of the anthology, signed manuscript copies, and even having your name used in one of the stories!
If you have the time and inclination, please head over to the Kickstarter page for the project and consider putting some change in the cup…then keep your eye out for publication in September!
p.s. I played ten questions with the anthology’s co-founder and creative spark behind the project, John Mierau. Check it out!
Testing, Testing: Need Audiobook Help
If you read this blog, you probably know I’m in the process of making my first book, A Reason to Live, into an audio book through the Amazon site ACX.com. I’ve gotten several fantastic auditions from voice actors, and am a little stuck on how to proceed.
Got ten minutes? Listen to these voice samples from A Reason to Live, vote for your favorite and, if you want, give me a couple comments at the bottom of the page. It would be a huge help for me in making my decision (which I need to do before May 15 or so).
[Read more…]
Do you hear what I hear? Audio Books and ACX
I’ve recently started poking my nose into the world of audio books. Now that I have a bona fide series out there, the investment of time seems more than worth it. Why not have another product on the line to meet readers’ wants and needs?
Many of you have heard of ACX (www.ACX.com), the Amazon division that functions as the audio arm in much the same way CreateSpace is the print arm for self-publishers. I took the plunge about a week ago and have started the process of “claiming” my book, getting ready to hear voice talent auditions, and taking the steps necessary to get the thing out in the wild.
Self-Publishers: Do You Need Nurturing?
Nice indie manifesto from JW Manus, incidentally filled with a dozen great links and tips. A mental and emotional shot in the arm that will take the binky out of your mouth and put the pen back in your hand.